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What We’ve Been Up To


Easter Rugby Camp 2022

11th - 15th April

We have launched dates for our new Easter Rugby Camp. Book your place now!

Rugby Player

Christmas 2021 Camp - Cancelled

7th December 2021

With regret, we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel our upcoming Christmas Rugby Camp due to the rise in COVID-19 cases in Northern Ireland. Christmas is a very busy and important part of so many families, and therefore to limit the amount of spreading and to protect those families, we will not be running our camp as planned. We apologise but hope that you understand our decision. Keep checking for updates about when we do eventually get back up and running. Thanks!




Summer Camp in Norfolk

August 2019

The kids had an absolute ball, learning all about rucks and how they can 'jackal' the ball. Well done to all the players that took part!

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